Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pokhara- pronounced POkara

Hello All!
I made it from Chitwan to Pokhara on another "tourist" bus that was less tourist than the last one.  The first stop for a potty break was literally just behind some rocks on the side of a mountain.  I had images of myself falling down the mountain with my britches down, so I decided to wait for an upgrade to an actual hole in the ground.  When we got to the hole in the ground stop, there were doors that marked the women and the men's sides.  But once inside, I wasn't sure why they'd bothered.  The wall dividing the two only went up waist high.  I walked in, and just as I was noticing this, a guy walked into the men's side.  I think we were both stunned to see the other person!  It was a loooong 6 hour ride.  At first I had two seats to myself, then a local woman, carrying a carton of eggs got on and sat next me (on the tourist only bus!).  She proceeded to pat my knee and say something to me in Nepali (I can only assume it was in Nepali), and when I shrugged my shoulders, a sign I thought to be the international body language of I don't know, or in this case, I don't speak the language, she looked genuinely surprised and repeated whatever she had said again.  At that point I closed my eyes, hoping to give off the international signal of, "I'm going to sleep now, please don't bother me", which seemed to work.  I just wonder why on Earth she thought I spoke Nepali.

I got here Thurs afternoon and walked around, checking out all the shops on the main street, then stopped to post some picts from Chitwan, then went back to my hotel to get ready for my sunrise adventure the next morning.


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