Monday, February 11, 2013

Back in Kathmandu

So to get back to Kathmandu meant another bus ride.

No eggs, no chickens, and two seats to myself- woo hoo!

I had finally been able to download and audio book (I get car sick, so no reading for me!), and was able to listen to it for most of the ride (the Kindle battery died after about 5 hours, so I had the last hour or so on my own).

I'm now back in Kathmandu, and tomorrow I will be taking a sunrise (last one!) flight to see Mt. Everest.

I really don't understand how anyone was/is a chilled out hippie here.  The city is very crowded.  Tons of motorcycles and cars, traffic jams that could rival LA and Manhattan, and drivers with apparently no fear of head-on collisions.  Also, there are no sidewalks, so the (brave!) pedestrians share the road with the traffic.  It's also very noisy, and there's a bad smell here (I'm sure from all the garbage in the streets/river).  How is it that anyone can chill out here?  Maybe the hippies had good drugs, and that helped, but personally, I have found the city very stressful on my senses!

I'm looking forward to a dinner tonight that does not consist of rice with re-hydrated veggie crumbles!


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