Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More "Project Time"

Last night was so cold that I think my watch battery froze!  I had a new battery put in a watch before I left, and when I woke up this morning it had stopped.  I think the poor thing froze to death!  Thankfully I had already packed the cheepo Walmart watch I bought when I decided to wear the other one, so I dug that out of the suitcase.

This morning was more Project Time (again, read manual labor).  Today we collected rocks to secure the base of the fence for two baby Caracals.  Much easier then cutting grass with a machete, but dirty work as well.  Yes, I am getting dirty!

In the late morning we watched them catch some Jr. Baboons who were going to be "fixed" today.  Actually, we watched them do it twice because Animal Planet is here filming, and they didn't like the first take!  Just think, I live in Hollywood, and come all the way to Africa, just to be surrounded by Hollywood all over again.  And if anyone thinks Animal Planet is not Hollywood, they would be mistaken.  They have had the staff recreate events that happened previously, or do multiple takes of things til they get the shot they want!
To catch the Jr's for the film crew, they wanted them sedated by darts (even though they could be caught without them), but the benefit for me is that I got to hold one as it was going to sleep.  Yes, there is a pic to follow at some point.  I chose not to watch the castration procedure, but I was one of few who did not.  Many of the college students here are future vets, and they were all excited to watch.

This afternoon I had some Cheetah time.  There is a very tame, and a tame Cheetah (Samira and Chaquita) in an enclosure here, and you can go in with them and pet them.  Very Cool!  Samira, the very tame one purrs when you pet her.  Chaquita, the tame one, meows, and it's so cute to hear such a little sound come out of such a big cat.  I also have pics of this, but that too will have to wait.

Tonight is Shabbos.  It will be very dark, as the lantern in the tent only holds a charge for about an hour.  So it will be me and my little flashlight reading in bed very early!

Good Shabbos!

1 comment:

  1. Forgot it was WINTER down there!!

    Glad you went on a safari. You did good with "project time". 10 days, not bad. ; )~

    Love 'cheetah time'. I will have to incorporate into my daily language.

